Avoid sleeping on the side of your surgery hand. I know my rotator cuff was not completely torn off the bone, but it was torn and needed repair - I just had no idea it would take so long for recovery. That's interesting. I believe recovery can definately take up to a year. Torn labrum redislocated after surgery. Tears in the rotator cuff may be small or large and can be repaired by transferring a muscle from another part of the body to replace the damaged cuff. I was very nervous of pushing too far, and it was a good year before I started using a decent amount or resistance in exercising. DH had to help me with almost everything: dressing, cutting food, you name it. About 2 months after my surgery I went to a different physical therapist due to us going to another state for a few months. The strongest of pain killers didn't touch it really just made me feel unwell in other ways. Read More Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. However, I've not been on painkillers since week 4. Most patients, when lifting the arm up overhead, will notice that the head of the humerus bone will ride upwards and restrict motion. Started August 27, 2021, By Phase one: 1-6 weeks In the first phase of recovery, a. Who ever said sleep is overrated should try this. I am afraid I am going back to ortho soon.. guess that's the curse of bad genetics and bad luck. Do you have trip insurance that would cover a cancellationif your surgeon says that you should notgo on this cruise now? I am on 6 1/2 mg of prednisone but surgeon wanted me to discontinue completely but he and the rheumy decided for me to go to 2 1/2 mg. after surgery. My doctor said he expects me to have full range of motion at 8 weeks. Inflammation of the bursa is usually the result of long-term overuse of the shoulder. "email": "info@azaleaortho.com", Though I am 66, I have always been fairly active, enjoy exercising and keeping busy. Is there a lot of pain with rotator cuff surgery? Shoulder bursitis affects the subacromial bursa, which sits over the rotator cuff. Reduce swelling, stiffness, and discomfort. So I was massaging with a lacrosse ball constantly, putting it on every area, up against a wall and doing squats so Im rolling up and down the wal with that ball on every spot that was tight around the surgery area. 5 users are following. Rotatory cuff surgery is no joke. The longer you wait for a bicep repair, the harder the recovery is. That should have saved you time, as others can tell you which company does this for HAL and you could have a head start. The neck, shoulder and arm are all moved. For this website, I can type on my phone with my left hand! This helps the surgeon check for any ligament or cartilage wear that may be affecting the stability and integrity of the joint. I just had a thought and wanted to pass it along; if you are unable to rent a recliner at this stage, if you have a balcony cabin, ask your cabin steward to bring in one of the loungers for you to sleep on. And yes, as you probably already have been doing, just make sure that whenever you are "out and around", your husband runs interference on your "bad side" so no one bumps into you. Conclusion: Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. ARTHROSCOP ROTATOR CUFF REPR, Repair biceps long tendon rupture, Arthscpy shldr dstl claviculectomy, Arthscpy shldr decompression, are the procedures that were done. I am now week 45 and am still improving. Full recovery typically takes four to six months. "name": "Question: I had rotator cuff surgery and bicep tenodesis surgery 11 weeks ago. A shoulder immobilizer may be required for 4-6 weeks for maximal healing. The pain was excruciating and I cried constantly. Magnetic resonance imaging verified rotator cuff tear (within 6 month prior to surgery) Rupture size with a maximum diameter of 3 cm; Willingness to participate in the study; Willingness to participate in a unified physiotherapy with use of a shoulder abduction pad for four weeks postoperativel; Exclusion Criteria: This means there is about 4 1/2 months from the time it tore off to repair. Dr. Vic Goradia. All you went through and may still be going through. https://patient.info/forums/discuss/update-9-weeks-post-op-648808. Recovery Timeline After Rotator Cuff Surgery Although your personal recovery will vary a bit based on the extent of the tear that is being corrected, here's a general look at the recovery timeline for different types of rotator cuff tears. It's a four-phase process that can take from four to six months, sometimes longer. ] I got home from work and noticed a bulge in my bicep area. I've just done my second shoulder. I'm sorry you had such a hard time, too. Sadly, that shoulder has begun to ache in the last several months as a result of using that arm almost exclusively because my other shoulder hurt so much. I ran across this forum today while searching for something to tell me that at one week shy of eight months post op for a full thickness tear repair, subacromial decompression and distal clavicle resection, pain and generalized discomfort in the entire shoulder, shoulder blade and upper arm is not mine alone! Hi PMRpro, Having rotator cuff surgery in two days. However on the plus side, I have full mobility back in my arm, and pain free days. You should notice over time that your range will improve. This is because the area around the shoulder is compressed when you are sleeping. Today, I heard a pop in my shoulder and immediately I have pain in the upper arm and shoulder. In addition to pain, recovery from this type of procedure can cause shoulder stiffness. I felt like not going back to my PT a week ago since it hurt So Bad, but I am continuing it. Although she was super pushy and hard on me, and I wanted to kill her early on, she was a lifesaver. Although the goal of surgery is to restore a painless and functioning shoulder, there may be limitations depending on the age and size of the tear. Continuing your exercises is key. I feel medium pain and discomfort all the time. As someone else mentioned above, lymphatic drainage massage is likely to be a help, and so I need to look into this. It just feels impossible to keep the shoulder from moving 24/7. appointments were to be three times per week but their schedule was so tight, due to end of the year scheduling, that I was only able to go once a week. Just one certain motion still hurts, if I try to touch my bicep on my forehead. I also have had my rotator cuff repaired on my dominant arm. Too ambitious? Which isn't bad. Too soon will likely cause the injury. Maybe a bit winded, but I found this thread while awake at 4 in the morning. I also had a lot of bone spurs that required scraping. I had to back off in distance and build up slowly. I find that sling position is critical. It gets to you emotionally. Important to note: Do NOT force anything. ], I thought with the arm in a sling it would be okay but it didn't help. Im looking for human people to people advice. Which really meant they couldn't do much else for me. "acceptedAnswer": { Day of Surgery Rotator cuff surgery is an outpatient procedure. Powered by Invision Community. Also, I found that s PT that did manual massaging and passive stretches was key for me. Could say much more but L. hand has taken 35 min. Ill keep reading other posts but this will probably be my last post here! The rotator cuff repair procedure may be done using a larger shoulder incision (called an open repair) or a slightly smaller incision (called a mini-open repair). Wear the sling in uncontrolled environments (like outsideof the cabin), bring baggies to use as an ice pack, do my at home PT exercises, no swim strokes that use the shoulder in the pool (OK to stand there and gently move my arms back and forth, use pillows and my sling in bed. Our team of doctors at Azalea Orthopedics specialize in shoulder injuries and conditions; they treat complex and simple conditions with the latest techniques available. If particular attention is not directed to the patient during the positioning, a cervical disc may be injured or aggravated. Best wishes. If youd rather request an appointment online, click here. I am up all night with my tens unit and ice. "https://www.facebook.com/AzaleaOrtho/", The first 2 to 5 weeks were the worst pain. ", We are on the same time line. We didn't do much in terms of excursions. You are doing therapy aren't you? Ouch! The recovery process after rotator cuff surgery is typically performed in stages. This observation is supported by a study showing that in patients who have had rotator cuff surgery, strength in the shoulder muscles is not fully recovered until nine months after the surgery. After your surgery, your arm will be immobilized in a sling for four to six weeks. The physio says that the overall shoulder inflammation is likely to continue for 3 to 6 months, which came as a surprise to hear. Pain in my right shoulder has become unbearable. How are you doing now? While most rotator cuff tendons heal after surgery, some do not, and in these cases, additional surgeries are necessary. Most rotator cuff repair surgeries will require you to wear your sling anywhere from 4- 8 weeks from your surgery, depending on how extensive the rotator cuff repair surgery was. { Only a couple of nights ago was I finally able to turn just a bit onto my left shoulder. Narrative review: Rotator cuff injury ranges from tendinopathies to tears that usually result from trauma that could be either micro-trauma or macro-trauma. After rotator cuff surgery, recovery can be a long and painful process. Thanks. I found the pain unbelievable and was so unprepared for it being so unrelenting. "streetAddress": "3414 Golden Rd", Also ,most of the muscle mass on my R. arm has disappeared. I am 8 weeks post op and can't believe I still have this much pain. Next, they're posting here to condemn the greedy, heartless cruise line for keeping their money and not giving a reschedule.). Hi Latonya. Excellent excellent suggestion. Hopefully they have quilts. Its looking like I may have rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder. When appropriate, non-surgical treatment may be the first line of defense, but our physicians will also inform you when surgery is needed. Hmmm. That's interesting. "Thursday", "sameAs": [ If there are conflicting instructions from your doctor and therapist, please meet your doctor to clarify. I'm having lots of pain, especially at night. Sorry for the long post- I wish all of you out there a speedy recovery and want to say-don't get frustrated, it really does take a year. I'm thinking of starting one-on-one Pilates. Begin passive shoulder ROM after surgery (beginning week 1) b. I am not sure that I would want to travel while still feeling the way that you do. "longitude": -95.277671 I share a lot of your same issues. I'm heading into tenth week post rotary cuff surgery, massive tear they said. Is it normal to have pain 3 weeks after shoulder surgery? We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are Search there and also online in general about renting a recliner for your cabin. As a result, it is normal to expect some continued symptoms of pain or soreness after rotator cuff surgery for several months. I wish you all of the very best in your recovery. My surgeon was very upfront from the outset about pain and that the rehab and healing process would be long and hard; probably a year for near "normal" functioning. The more often you move your fingers, the less stiff your fingers will be. The common symptoms of rotator cuff tears (RCTs)are shoulder pain and shoulder dysfunction, which are similar to other shoulder diseases such as frozen shoulder and bursitis [15, 29, 30].Patients with shoulder pain and limited range of motion are usually assessed by physical examinations in an outpatient setting to obtain an initial diagnosis of their shoulders []. started PT 9 weeks ago. I am one month post op and at and loss on how much pain I have in my arm and in the area of my rotator cuff. Not sure you would qualify for this but that would be another thing to look into? Do not apply creams, ointments, Neosporin / Polysporin to the incision. The use of sling may be extended up to 12 weeks depending on your recovery which is different for different individuals. One thing I noticed that helped me that i want to share was to not sit around and wallow and watch TV. I was so happy to find this site. I can tell my energy is not back yet. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to address my concerns. I wish for you the very best and hope you are enjoying a break from school and your healing has improved! Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. I think there are so many variations in rotator cuff surgery and different treatments that this pillow might be perfect for some people to cushion and protect the shoulder and arm. For severe, massive tears, a complete recovery can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. You must never drive with the sling. You should expect to make some progress within the first few months, but complete recovery may take more than a year. I have a cruise scheduled for next week and will be at 9 weeks post op for right rotator cuff/bicep repair. For this purpose a follow up review was booked after 4 weeks and in that review the patient requested to try CSI. No lifting of objects no matter the size or weight. Patient testimonial 16 weeks post rotator cuff surgery. And then I retorted completely pulling myself out of a boat of all things, in Hawaii, the end of November. The day after surgery was . At 8 weeks it will be about 40% strong and after 12 weeks the tendon is 60% as strong as . You are just going to have to do what feels right to you. It's true, no one really tells you about the level of pain involved and as a result I have been nervous as well about re-injuring myself doing more than I should. 2 What is the fastest way to recover from shoulder surgery? For starters, it takes between 6-8 for the tendon to heal to the bone. One thing I noticed is my neck was always out. Hes very conservative with his movements post-op too, and I had to stay in my brace for 6 weeks 24/7. Dr Chandra Sekhar. We are both around 70 years old. Most patients who have had rotator cuff surgery will tell you that it takes about nine months before the shoulder feels completely normal. You should be able to support your shoulder with extra pillows and extra blankets either in the bed or on the couch. The surgery I had included bicep release, 2 tendons reattachment (front and top), rotatory cuff bone spur removal - basically everything! Nobody here can answer that for you. Anyone out there recently returned to shooting after rotator cuff . Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The only exceptions are bathing (showering), when you're doing post-op exercises, or getting dressed. This was on the recommendation of my therapist, who I have learned to trust more than my doctor! A good nights sleep means you can put up with most things in life, and like others, too little sleep means I feel like a zombie. Im looking for people that have gone through this for advice based on their experience. Always hold the sling unless you are changing clothes or doing physical therapy. This allows a skilled surgeon to examine the joints key structures. In a good way. LauraS He also stressed that it can't be rushed. I tried it a couple times before and kept going back to the recliner. I'm glad your pain level is good! Thank you for this post! I seem to have turned a corner where the pain is not bad and Im able to sleep, drive, & do many things. Unless you have "cancel for any reason" insurance I doubt that you can cancel at this late date without a 100% penalty. I think you are right to do exercises daily but I wouldn't beat yourself up about the amount of reps. Although rehabilitative protocols differ depending on the surgery, there is one common complaint shoulder patients have regardless of the type of surgery. It was my dominant arm, alas. Okay, let's do the surgery. My association pool opens next month and I will be in Santa Cruz in two weeks at a resort. The surgeon will place your arm in a sling to protect it while the tendons heal. Did you just book this trip last minute or did you have it booked well in advance but hoped that you would have mended well enough to go? Our team is ready to individually assess your condition and create a plan for your recovery. "address": { Tendon repair and bone spur removal. Thanks ! Its an Alaska cruise, so itd be easy to fly home to Seattle if I end up miserable. Rotator cuff surgery is usually performed arthroscopically. I never wore an immobilizer, just a sling and after my first post op, only had to wear the sling when I went outside the house, for a couple more weeks. Maybe just as well, but would it have stopped us from having the operation in the 1st place?
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