In short, given all the other eerie parallels-- the reverse dates, 7/13/12 and 2/13/17; the continued '213' or '13' theme with the time stamped by LE attack start as 2:13 PM; the isolated defunct railroad trails and bridges as locations (and imagery: Lyric and Elizabeth are found at Seven Bridges Wildlife Park and next to a river); similar parental situations that include drug manufacture, sales, and abuse; and, the murders' unique correlation with pork plants-- all the major plants in Indiana are within 45 minutes of each other and Tyson owns both Waterloo/Evansdale and Logansport: the combination of physical unknowns with glaring similarities and odd coincidences that may overwhelm apophenia should say to LE "please take a closer look.". Not when were discussing the double homicide or two young girls in the same region a few hours apart as rare as this occurrence is. What day were the girls found? Wow ?! The houses were next door. GONE COLD: EXPLORING IOWAS UNSOLVED MURDERS,, person who abducted the cousins was likely local, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children,,,,, Iowa starts year-long process to be CART-certified,, DCI Asst. Elizabeth enjoyed dressing up and getting her nails and hair done. WTH? :-(. Its very obvious that this horrible tragic event took place because of the heavy drug use and selling of drugs within the families. Six months after Lyric and Elizabeth were found, authorities announced on Monday, June 24, 2013, they had three separate witnesses who said they saw a white, older-model, full-size SUV-type vehicle similar to a Chevy Suburban or a Ford Bronco parked on Arbutus Avenue on July 13. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. I think it would be great if people stopped attacking the family members for their mistakes and drug use. (Comment was made in ED murders that they are not looking for a gun in this murder). Two witnesses said theyd seen the white SUV parked between two bike trail signs. There may be some similarities but you can find similarities in everything if you look hard enough. Now, why are you commenting on my comment a year later. People will always judge (not all people) but there judgements, views, or comments , are just speculation From what information is available in the media , which isnt the most reliable source as of lately. could be anything. I think it was somebody that knew the girls. I am perplexed though about the investigators telling the neighbor to watch their girls while the RA search warrant was being served (if indeed that's true)- makes me think they aren't limiting him to one double homicide?? This seems to be a chance encounter with an opportunistic predator, or someone who will acknowledge an opportunity that presents them with the chance to abuse a child. My wife said that night her mom called she said they thought it had to do with the stepdad and meth dealing. I believe both cases are from the SK. Either it was someone who was naive to the idea that hunters would be in the area and would probably find the girls or it was someone who knew and wanted the girls to be found during hunting season. By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies and other technologies. Here are just a couple of charges Chad Fitz has had in the past. People on the crew could have seen them alone every day on those paths. Dan, do you think the two cases are related? They sent it to the cops: No response. LASCIVIOUS ACTS W/CHILD-INFLICT PAIN OR DISCOMFORT (FELD). SIX MILES! Related: 9 Real-Life Kidnapping Stories That Still Haunt Us. So surely law enforcement has asked for cell phone pings at the Lake when the girls were there and then tracked those pings to actual owners of those cell phones. MO and signature are both different and cases arent geographically linked. Cant forget his pig slaughter plant signature either. NBC News profiled the crime as one of its cold cases, noting the FBI Behavioral Analysis Units character profile of possible suspects. This actually happens a lot within the world of illegal drug use and dealing of drugs. The one that kind of got the ball rolling was actually several months later. Abby-Libby Lyric-Elizabeth RayHanish Idaho-Case FloraGirls Karena Athena Suzanne #loveandlight Remembering. Both are deceased now, but Chad should be considered a suspect anyway. Thats my theory. XXXXXX sent December 7, 2020 On Friday, January 25, 2013, State Senator Kent Sorenson, R-Milo, championed the idea of reintroducing the death penalty in Iowa. According to KCRG, the group hopes to continue raising money to add a few more memorials and additions to the park like a roadway from the land to the island, a gazebo, and possibly a bronze statue. XXXXX sent December 7, 2020 FWIW, Dustin Honken and Angela Johnson, both small time meth dealers in the Mason City area, kidnapped and killed five people in 1993 order to send a message not to squeal. She was an infectious joy to be around with a smile that radiated with love. The girls' bodies were found the following day, approximately half a mile from the bridge. I happen to be in the Evansdale and Delphi murders connected camp. Lyric and Elizabeth were in IA. Im sorry Im still sending prayers. lyric and elizabeth abby and libby. Then another cop. Ok, do you think you can catch that house number? Most Iowa meth dealers I am aware of are small time losers who will be caught by LE long before they can do serious damage (in the form of murders and stuff, obviously theyre doing damage to addicts and their families). Unfortunately,he took the cowards way out so as not to answer for the evil he did. He is now suspect for Delphi murders. Easy to get VIN, get crushers records, date, etc. From my understanding, Michael Klunders first crimes did in fact happen in the Waverly area. Were coming for you, Trelka said. You just dont remember it. There are several reasons based on the little that we do know. Delphi may well have been an attempted abduction, a la Evansdale, which went wrong due to the girls being that bit older, stronger and more aware of what was happening. Many years ago the man that lived there kidnapped and killed a small child. He seemed perfectly comfortable taking two victims at a time. In my opinion Delphi and Evansdale are not connected. I think a lot of people are, family friend Sarah Curl told WHO-TVs Aaron Brilbeck. Supplemental Motion for Discovery and Request for Rule 404 and 405 Evidence. I pray every day for you and Your family and Pray that today you will get Justice for Elizabeth , I share The information every day online in Hopes it may help. If you'd like to reprint a post or case summary, please contact us with the name of the requested post/article. The bodies weren't buried but were moved to and found in a remote area, so it can't be said whether or not they were meant to be discovered. Smock made a plea to the public to identify anyone they believe is familiar with the Seven Bridges Wildlife Area. Even if they were the meth dealers of the year, did they deserve this? Both occurred in broad daylight. Its happended before one guy fessed up after about 40 years turned himself in. If you think someone might be a suspect, contact the authorities rather than putting someones name on public forums. There is someone out there, other than the person(s) who committed this crime, that knows the identity hoping someone gets a conscious and reveals who it is. For example, a rival meth dealer, or maybe an angry supplier, would leave clues, or a type of message that confirmed his or her involvement in the crime. Typically, the wildlife area isnt highly traveled, especially in the summertime. Hundreds of volunteers had helped search for the cousins, and the lake near where their bicycles were found had been partially drained. I dont know her name I will be in Evansdale Wednesday You sent December 7, 2020 The word is probably as in you probably did not make it past eigth grade. But hey no one is a criminal until they get caught right. All Rights Reserved, Home I can read anything in the English Lang but do not ask me to spell or put it in correct grammar! Its better to say something than nothing at all. Maybe he already has. At least one girl in both sets had a phone and was online. I know, that is what I have been asking you. A short while later, they were spotted about a mile-and-a-half from their grandmothers house. This was highly unusual for both Libby and Abby . Really !, dont dig deeper to find out who did this ??? Three of their victims were an innocent woman and her two young daughters who happened to be dating one of Honkens former dealersthey were considered collateral damage in Honkens quest to shut his victims up. You deserved better, so did your little ones. very good questions.I believe that the site where they were found was a known meth lab dump site.In the heart of the park.definitely someone local!!! Then couldnt cameras on private property identify vehicles en route to the seven bridges area pror to the time the bodies appeared? I agree that the one set of parents owned money to a drug dealer and they werent paying so maybe they took the one and they couldnt leave a witness so they took her to. Her daughter is still very nave and even now doesnt grasp the ramifications of some of these acts. - There refers to a place. Investigators are hesitant to rule out linkage. You know what needs to be focused on? This case was just a mess! Why are you commenting on this year old comment? Some believe that Dans criminal past was the reason the girls were abducted. but as far as i know.. we dont know if they were kept captives all this time or not. According to a July 11, 2014 report by KWWLs Bob Waters, the reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case had reached $170,000. Do they even recover cause of death in Evansdale finding the bodies 5 months after the abduction? So do you know the name of the crusher and how did he Fitz die? Both sets in a park but separated from other visitors. i think when its too late, we dont want libby and abby to have the same fate. Thats why i think the drug dealers have something to do with it. Abben said there were no other missing persons cases and the remains found were of a smaller stature. The address there is very close to the wildlife area. You saw the killer. I thought they were looking at that guy from Northwood IA for this. Klunder served about two decades in prison, from 1992 to 2011, for previous kidnapping and assault charges. Thank you Kim for looking outside the box. Its not really a destination or a place anyone knows about except for locals. Lyric Cook, 10, and her 8-year-old cousin Elizabeth Collins were allegedly murdered just a couple hundred kilometers away from where Abigail and Liberty were found in Indiana. Have you told any law enforcement that you know all these details? I also want to get Early Bird Books newsletter featuring book deals, recommendations, and giveaways. Once Lyrics mother, Misty, returned to pick her up, the family grew concerned. This site uses cookies to improve user experience. Maybe illustrate. Mike, he sounds like a good candidate. Copyright 2023 Iowa Cold Cases, Inc. All rights reserved. shortly after this full time officer quits to go work for railroad. Im not pushing this off on Drugs because its the path of least resistance, Im stating known and proven facts. Hardly anyone would be walking around that area much until the start of the deer hunting season. And for justice. Im glad Im not the only one with that theory! But most likely drug money and prison time. Lyric was older than her little cousin and also very big for her age at 160 pounds. Lyric passed away on Friday, July 13, 2012. I also wonder, since he had so many meth/drug busts if that is related? Related: Face on the Milk Carton: What Happened to Johnny Gosch? Drew- so sorry that on top of losing your daughter you have to deal with crap like this. Chad Fitz has a huge record yet no obit anywhere online just a short death notice in Waterloo Courier. Within yards! Some think it was a botched kidnapping/ransom scenario that went wrong ? To the investigators: I am sure you must know these things, but you should talk to XXXXXX. Gilbert Drive in Evansdale and it was his mom he lived with. Someone who only commits his crime if a bridge is involved in some way, and always leaves the bodies within 50 feet of a slow moving stream. I think maybe cops and family are all to blame,this should have been solved right after those girls were found,cops and family must have known right away who did it they just dont want to hurt the parents,they hide behind lack of evidence,in any other state this would have been solved years ago,but not in rural Iowa where hardly any crime ever goes to trial because they plead everything down or if trial its 99% always a guilty verdict,so my opinion is nothing will ever happen,which is sad. get hypnotized. About You sent December 7, 2020 So to me, they were both killed with a knife or a bladed weapon. I am not saying he was involved, but he has connections to the area. So, you must know exactly who did it and why. Libby's dad was into Meth Lyrics dad was into Meth. A serial killer who operates during the day in rural areas, so long as the chosen area is within a mile of a four lane highway. My thoughts are with all of you. A very similar case just happened here:, As soon as I heard about the two girls from Indiana I instantly thought of Elizabeth and Lyric case. Join Facebook to connect with Abby Libby and others you may know. They were able to confirm a bunch of things that show he wasnt in the Evansdale area at the time. Yes! Why was he fired. This creep has an old kidnappings charge and a charge with LASCIVIOUS ACTS W/CHILD-INFLICT PAIN OR DISCOMFORT (FELD) and KIDNAPPING 1ST DEGREE 1978 (FELA). Check this out. 2 young girls, white truck. They can exhume all three of them. Were coming for you. These were not not run of the mill Druggies that you see on tv sitting on a tore up couch in a 825 mobile home. On the other hand, there might be more than one perpetrator. That section of hwy 20 was under construction for months. Yes! Elizabeths Mom Hopes For Closure, NEW DETAILS: Investigator: Missing Iowa girls blood found, Investigators probe Evansdale-Dayton connection, Kathlynn Shepard Missing: Authorities also probe suspect Michael Klunder in 2012 slayings of Iowa cousins Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins, Police seek link between abduction suspect, Evansdale cousins, Library memorial for murdered cousins opening today : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Missing cousins ribbons to be recycled : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Hundreds mourn at burial service for Elizabeth Collins : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Hundreds mourn at burial ceremony for Elizabeth Collins, Hundreds mourn at Evansdale girls burial, Photos: Elizabeth Collins graveside service, ELIZABETH BURIED: Mourners Attend Funeral, Dispatchers honored for cousins tipline : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, ASSAULT CASE: Dan Morrisseys Trial Delayed, UPDATE: Three Iowa law enforcers receive victim service awards, Angels concert raises more than $30,000 : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Evansdale park plan progressing : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Concert for the Angels draws large Cedar Valley crowd : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Saturday Angels concert takes shape : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Private memorial held for Lyric Cook-Morrissey : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Girls make bracelets to raise funds for Angels Park, MURDERED CHILD: Burial for Elizabeth Collins, Raising Money: Efforts Help Remember Missing Girls, Surprise Move: Dan Morrissey Pleads Guilty, COUSINS MEMORIAL: Bank Donates Money For Gazebo, Iowa lawmaker calls for legislative hearings on death penalty, Push for Cousins Law grows as bodies found, UPDATE: Medical examiner confirms bodies found are missing Evansdale girls, MISSING GIRLS: Officials Confident About Identities, Letter to the kidnapper of Elizabeth Collins and Lyric Cook-Morrissey, Missing cousins parents write open letter to kidnapper, UPDATE: Police re-canvass Evansdale for missing girls, Survey to ask jurors about missing Iowa girls dad, Evansdale marks two months since cousins disappearance, Search for missing Evansdale, Iowa, girls remains urgent for family, police, Missing Iowa girls families struggle with worry, fear, Surveillance video may be last known sighting of missing girls, As search for missing girls continues, trial looms for one girls father, Mother of missing Evansdale girl says she passed second polygraph test, MISSING GIRLS: Police Search for Evansdale Girls, Gone Cold: Exploring Iowa's Unsolved Murders,, Iowa Missing Person Information Clearinghouse. Here are bits of my conversations with XXXXX. or. ?about that time. Jeff Altmayer, 58, was charged with trying to entice children in Jasper, Monona and Grundy County by offering them $100 to get in his van. Mystery. She had a heart of compassion for her family and her friends. Fourth Memorial Ride & Drive in honor of Lyric and Elizabeth, by Taylor Bailey, reporter, Airdate: July 9, 2016, Volunteers prepare for ride in honor of Lyric and Elizabeth, by Nikki Newbrough,, Airdate: July 7, 2016, Vigil Held for 3 Girls, Gone too Soon, by Bevan J. Lucas, KGAN, Airdate: March 12, 2015, Iowa starts year-long process to be CART-certified, by Kristyna Engdahl, You mean like a door closer? Then did they also look to see if any of those cell phones also ping in the 7 Bridges area between tge time tge girls were mussed and the time the bidies were found. Look at those two charges! It breaks my heart to say, but I think a lucky break is the only way that case will ever be solved. Which sounds good in theory except for a few missing facts. Now, is it clearer that this is realistic ? I pray someone comes forward. She enjoyed going on vacations and had traveled to many places. So sad. No family deserves this to happen to their child. In no way do i feel attacked by you making a comment, thats why we are members of this site, to bring minds together. Director Talks About Evansdale Cousins Murder Investigation,, EVANSDALE MURDERS: Police Rule Out Klunder,, ONE YEAR: Parents Happy With Investigation, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Elizabeth June Marie Collins (2003 2012) Find a Grave Memorial, Lyric Ray Lynn Cook-Morrissey (2001 2012) Find a Grave Memorial, EVANSDALE MURDER INVESTIGATION CONTINUES 10 YEARS LATER, New $50,000 reward announced in hopes of bringing new information forward about 2012 deaths of Evansdale girls, Cedar Valley Crime Stoppers offering $50K reward in case of cousins abducted in Evansdale, murdered, Cedar Valley Crime Stoppers Offers $50K Reward, Saturday ride marks 7 years since Evansdale cousins disappearance: Investigation into deaths of Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins remains active, Ride and Drive happening Saturday; honors Evansdale murder victims Lyric and Elizabeth, Memorial Ride and Drive to highlight other missing, unsolved, Angels Park suffers damage during storm (PHOTOS, VIDEO), UPDATE: Names released in accident during motorcycle ride for Evansdale cousins, Hundreds ride in memory of Lyric and Elizabeth, Gone but not forgotten: Memorial ride honors two cousins, Mother hopes for arrest 5 years after young girls murder, Lyric & Elizabeth: Evansdale Abduction Case Remains Unsolved Five Years Later, I still dont believe it happened: Evansdale cousins remembered on fifth anniversary of disappearance, 5 years later: New leads in devastating case bring family hope, Near fifth anniversary of Lyric and Elizabeth disappearance, kids get safety tips, Family remember Black Hawk County cousins on 5th anniversary of disappearance, The pain of 2 Iowa girls killings remains, but resolve in Evansdale only grows. It snowed and the perps walked over the new snow. I cant believe something so heinous took place in a small town. I am sad, so sad for these families. Misty and Dan did,and passed! XXXXXXX sent December 7, 2020 A friend gave me this. Getter done. The Evansdale victims weren't found for 5 months, with more than a month of hot weather, the decomposition would have been very rapid. Shes so cute; Id like to kidnap her, the article quotes R. Fitz as saying. Sheriff: No comment, KWWL Channel 7, Feb. 12, 2013, Officials to Rename Park, Trail for Cousins Abducted from Evansdale, KCRG-TV Channel 9, Feb. 5, 2013, Cause of Evansdale cousins deaths will be kept confidential, The Des Moines Register, Jan. 2, 2013, Funeral for Lyric Cook planned for Dec. 29, The Iowa City Press-Citizen, Dec. 17, 2012, Autopsies confirm bodies are missing girls, KCCI Channel 8, Dec. 10, 2012, Cousins case nears homicide classification, The Des Moines Register, Dec. 8, 2012, 127 Photos Search for Missing Iowa Girls, The Des Moines Register, Missing Girls: Autopsies could take weeks, KCCI Channel 8 Des Moines, Dec. 7, 2012, 2 bodies found in N.E. There is other things to worry about especially finding the killer of these two girls and your acting like a grammar nazi. We always talk about local creeps and crimes and she began the tour by pointing out a house where an awful person lived, not the suspect, but inferences could be drawn by some psychologists, sociologists, and criminologists if they are related because they have the same name. But in my experience, families may share some behaviors, learned or otherwise. She was a student at Poyner Elementary School and was a bubbly little person, with the best smile, who loved what life had to give and all it had to offer. Died at U of I Hospital? I think people want to blame the alleged drug use of the families because, they cant accept the real truth. Altmayer was arrested in November and accused of trying to lure a 6-year-old girl in his car near Onawa. 20. class of 2016. They simply got in too deep with professional drug dealers and as i said before, very common practice to have the children kidnapped for ransom or as in this case, murdered. That would be the two house addresses. I pray for someone to comes forward. Young teens Abby Williams and Liberty German went out to enjoy a walk on a local trail and disappeared. Even though it is remote there is a High School less than 2 miles north of the 7 Bridges Wildlife area. Mr. Collins lost his daughter, his niece, his marriage, his peace of mind and much more. Not the kind of place and random trucker would know about or be able to drive their truck easily into. The offenders vehicle may also have been altered with a new paint job or re-upholstery. I was hoping that they would be found alive. He wasnt even familiar with the area, and where the girls were found at Seven Bridges Wildlife Area is the kind of place where only locals who grew up in the area go to. I dont know lyric or Liz or their families personaly but they have changed me, and I will never forget them Please no grammar police. 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What Was The Explosion At The End Of Tomorrow Man, Articles L