We had to avoid reaching a temperature of 2,500 degrees. Just before he hangs himself, the scientist passes off a set of tapes to an unseen actor. So in the evening, Ivan Stepanovich solemnly thanked him and gave him a package with a thousand roubles. However, he, together with Anatoly Petrovich, fought for quality once they lost with the containments. Before that, the entire Ukraine Government was very actively and successfully represented by the Ukraine Chairman Deputy Nikolaev. As for the 30-kilometre zone itself, it was under the charge of the experts from the Ministry of Nuclear Energy, the experts from the Kurchatov Institute, experts from the Radium Institute and the experts from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. It thoroughly analyzed the situation. Whatever I touch - everything is ruined: no one needs anything! A. Ustynyuk said of Legasov: "His main quality, which set him sharply apart from all the great organizing scientists I knew, was his exceptional dedication to the cause. [citation needed] He was a member of the Science and Technology Council of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building. In this time, there would be an emission of radioactivity in aerosol form over large distances. This is why the firefighters' actions were not only heroic but also very professional, thoughtful and correct. But it was the designer who implemented these principles, in constant, daily consultation with the physicists on whether any physical laws of the device were being violated. But that will be tomorrow, and right now there isnt. This organizational aspect should also be described. This is the main thing while the specific details are not so important. Velikhov spoke with him once, in my presence, on the situation. But as you can understand from the talk, I am the director of my own department that supports the nuclear fuel cycle, that is, separating the isotopes, disposal of radioactivity My position is of an external observer, as it were, and also of a participant. I have already mentioned that I had proposed from the beginning to create a press group under the Government Commission that would correctly inform the population about the events that were happening, that would give the right advice. After that, all three of us signed that note and sent it to Gorbachev. This situation continues today. Vehicle decontamination sites had to be organized and it had to be ascertained if they could even be fully decontaminated . [7][1] The team began to be concerned with small areas of reactor activity, as well as the integrity of the concrete pad. Three or four or up to ten tons of TNT, this is the maximum that can be said. They concerned possible areas of use of those components that are in a nuclear reactor. When I looked at this device, I was confused by, for example, an unusual and, in my opinion, insufficient construction of safety systems, that would work in extreme situations. [5] Since December 1978, the Legasov family kept a high-bred pet chow-chow. The system of a singular person being personally responsible for the quality of the devicewith all the facilities it was installed inwas absent. And so he sought our help all the time on what to do. [26] Legasov noted that the operators were able to disable the reactor safety systems and stated that improvements to existing RBMK reactors were underway. This was sort of the main task in that period. [1] The institute members denied Legasov the position which was perhaps surprising given his seniority and public visibility. His last name was Bryukhanov, the director of the station. This is what I did on the flight. And the quality of produced Zirconium becomes better, as well as of the pipes made out of it, or else the operating states become better, and everyone calms down until the next thing happens. There was no exact, predetermined plan of action - our Government Commission had to improvise. There were not enough of these devices for everyone who were involved in the work. They started to say that they turned the cooling on, turned this or that on. And ammonium nitrate is an explosive in its pure form. Formally however I had to be replaced in Silaevs team by Eugeny Petrovich Ryazantsev - deputy of the director of our Nuclear Energy Institute. [19] Upon returning from Chernobyl for the second time on 12 May, he was a changed man, suffering from severe grief and radiation sickness. Two years and one day after the disaster, Legasov took his own life, though not before recording a distillation of his side of the story onto five compact cassette tapes. Part of fuel can get into the barboteurs, be it lower or upper one and we did not know at that time whether there was water or not. I dont think so. Then we assumed that even if all the lead evaporates, we took the 30-kilometre zone and derived that everything [contamination in this zone] would turn out to be less than the permissible concentrations. FInally the third group of specialists, which in the most thorough way had researched all the maps from Government Hydro Metric service, integrated all the activity from land-based and air services, comparing that to data that was received from abroad. Their actions were rational. But nothing of the kind, of course, was done. Because his laboratory was a kind of cell that posed questions and formulated them physically; while the answers to these questions were given by specialists, not only from the various departments of the Institute but also from different institutes. We were concerned by the question: how deep do the radionuclides penetrate after they are deposited on the surface; how are they absorbed. Altogether, there was such a lengthy argument and Shcherbina, to his credit, approved the decision to evacuate. Any pause in the subsequent construction of the sarcophagus was frequently interpreted as some sort of catastrophe, as a collapse of some structure, as the appearance of new emissions, or as proof that the reactor is suddenly working again, etc. The operator had detected the first crack [defect in metal] despite the fact that it could not be seen with the naked eye. Thank God that it did not happen here or in a factory but on a railway tanker car transporting phosphorus. This job was constructed and built in a very short period, but was completely useless, because no fuel got there and nothing had to be cooled. Different techniques for the artificial absorption of radionuclides on surfaces were tested. But at 11 am, it was already fully official. If not, I can suggest all that is needed. This section cannot be concluded with only the obvious and clear things. There are so many different interpretations of how and why this happened, that it is in a way my duty to tell what I know, how I see and understand it and how had I witnessed the events that occured. Which button to press, how long to wait, what to do. And here we had a sharp debate. All of this had to be invented and organized on the spot, successfully or otherwise. The creation of these solutions, their testing and their introduction across large areasall this work fell to the army. By the way, there are no international rules even now. But now they are preparing for me a precise report of analyses of all the soils from both within the 30-kilometre zone and beyond it. The thermocouples were lowered from long halyards. You would start moving along this corridor and suddenly run into a wall. Same as the Americans. This had to be changed on the go. We were all already used to how this very old yet good demagogue, with a loud confident voice, could narrate how good things were in our ministry, for an hour. A procedure for ordering materials was established already; a procedure for work fulfilment. devices. I had to visit various chemical facilities. In Kiev, after we got off our plane, what surprised us was a long line of black government cars and an anxious crowd of various Ukrainian chairmen, led by comrade Lyashko Aleksander Petrovich. It later became part of the Nuclear Energy Safety Department. As it seemed to me, he was doing that 24\7 without leaving aside his assigned other tasks. Already the first launch of this reactor in the first RBMK unit of Leningrad NPP has shown that such a large active zone, implemented in the way it has been, was very complex for the operator. All this confusion has led to a great deal of irresponsibility which was exposed by the Chernobyl experience. It would melt there, absorb the heat and also act as a protective shield to some extent. If we could, we would sleep in a nearby hotel. The already-scouted areas were showing higher radiation levels, and the number of such areas was increasing. The headquarters were in the City party committee building. He was very angry with, say, Makuhin, the First Deputy Minister of Energy and Electrification, who, it seemed to him, was working slowly; and he even made a quick decision to fire him. If I say something wrong, I will not be published and my dissertation will fail. Of course, all this was done in the name of productivity. This is the main accomplishment of those people who spent considerable time there in the initial days. First - carefully studying the available information. Test what vehicles would be best-suited for the job within those conditions. All the crews always tried to do the assignments, no matter how difficult or complex the task was. He did say that about one of the reactors, the AST, a nuclear power plant of an entirely different type, which really is the safest of all that exist in the world today; about that he said that it can be put even in Red Square. I cannot leave unmentioned the huge role that Marshal Aganov played along with his engineering troops. For example, the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin, just in its upper layers, contains 2 million curies of alpha-active, long-living isotopes. Then I dropped by home, met my wife, who was of course very upset, and by 10 a.m. arrived at the Politburo, where in turns, I reported to Scherbina and comrade Ryzhkov about what was happening. The probability of [another] Chernobyl has now increased. First, to not touch it and leave it as is with its radiation, counting on nature itself to somehow recycle it all, that is, the needles, that are the most contaminated, would fall off, after which the needles could be gathered and buried, while the tree trunks, branches, all these would remain relatively clean. A personal pistol remained in a drawer, but the professor chose to hang himself. This measure turned out to be pointless because when I had proposed it, the extent of the destruction of the reactor was not yet known and neither was known the natural air circulation, its natural flow. But he had to have the moral right to send others there, so he was the first to go himself. Adamovich: I see, so on the 2nd of May [Unclear]. Before him, Viktor Alekseyevich Sidorenko worked as the director of the department of nuclear reactors. Oct 8, 2020 - The original Russian transcripts from the recorded tapes of Valery Legasov.
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